Prof. Dr. Joachim Posegga

Contact Details
Tel: +49 851 509 3211
Fax: +49 851 509 3212
Office Address
Universität Passau
Innstraße 43
94032 Passau, Germany
Professional Background
I am heading the "IT-Security" Group at the University of Passau since April 2008. Before coming to Passau I was appointed Professor at the University of Hamburg in 2003 and founded the "Security in Distributed Systems (SVS)" Group at the University of Hamburg. Before coming to academia I was leading the Security Research Program at SAP Corporate Research; from 1995-2000 I worked on security at Deutsche Telekom Research in Darmstadt. I also had an early "academic ife" at the Universities of Karlsruhe, Edinburgh and Kaiserslautern.
More details can be found on my biography page.